
CJX5(S-K)系列交流接触器 CJX5(S-K)Series AC contectors
一、用途 Use
JZC4 series contact relay is used in AC 50Hz or 60H,380V and DC 220V contorl cirucit for contorlling various electromagnetic coll,enlarging signal or send signals.
二、型号及含义 Type and meaning
型号 Type 电源频率HZ
Power frequency
线圈电压 VCoil voltage
24 48 110 220 380
JZC4 50 B5 E5 F5 M5 Q5
JZC4 50/60 B7 E7 F7 M7 Q7
三、工作条件和安装条件 Working conditions and installation conditions
1.周围空气温度:-5℃~+4 0 ℃
1.Ambient temperature:-5℃ to +40℃
2.The altitude does not exceed 2000m
3.Maximum temperature is +40℃.relative humidity of the air is less than 50%,lower temperature allows a higher relative humidity,for example,20℃ to 90%.it is right the dew casued by temperature changes,shoule take special measures
4.Pollution rating is "pollution level 3"
5.Installaton category is "installation category ll"
6.In addition to using screw installation,the 35mm standard track used too.
四、规格 Specifications
继电器规格 Relay specification 触头数量 Contact numbers
常开(NO)Normally open(NO) 常闭(NC)Normally closed(NC)
JZC4-40 4 1
JZC4-31 3 1
JZC4-22 2 2
五、订货须知 Ordering notes
例如:JZC4-22接触器式继电器AC 50Hz 220V 10台,额定控制电压未列入表1的规格,如用户需要可特殊订货。
When make orders please make clear the followig matters:
models and the full name of relay;the frequency and rated voltage of coil control the quantity.
For example:JZC4-22 contactor relay AC 50Hz 200V 10 pcs.
Rated control voltage not included in the specifications in Table 1,users may need special orders.